Review of 2019

Overview of 2019

2019 was an exciting year for Cold Banana with lots of new additions to the team, an office move, becoming an Umbraco Gold Partner to name but a few!


We are currently the only Umbraco Gold Partner in Dorset and have used Umbraco since version 4! All our team are trained in using Umbraco and we were super proud to be made an official Gold Partner. 


Luke our MD is an Umbraco Master and we’re going to be holding events this year to talk about everything tech and offer his expertise. So watch this space…


We attended Codegarden this year, Umbraco’s international conference held in Denmark. We sent some of our trusted Cold Banana family to collaborate with the Umbraco community. It was a great opportunity to hear from our industry leaders, covering strategy, case stories, great design and deep dives into the Umbraco core. We like to stay at the forefront of our industry and this is a fantastic way to make sure all our team are ahead of the game.

The Growth of Cold Banana Through 2019

2019 proved to be a year of growth for us winning some of our biggest clients to date and continuing to support our lovely existing ones too. Working with a Multi-Billion Pound Global brand we helped to develop a cost-effective solution to support their marketing platforms around the world and support all their brands.


This year we were nominated for no less than 3 Wirehire awards and are one of the top 50 agencies! Wirehire promotes the best digital talent in the South and drives recognition for hard work, creativity and innovation. 


These were for Fastest Growth as an agency, our very own MD was nominated as best Agency Leader and our lovely Ollie as a ‘Rising Star’! - There was some fierce competition in 2019 and hopefully, we will be up there receiving the award this year!

Charities Through 2019

We participated in several charity events from a Rainbow Fun Run for Julia's House to a Pretty Muddy 5k for Race for Life. We have decided to choose a local charity to dedicate our support to, look out for an update on our website very soon.

The Coming Years

This year we’re looking to grow our presence, host more events, and discuss the ever-changing digital landscape. So watch our Cold Banana family grow and look out for Luke, Ollie & Tom doing their thing at various tech events throughout the year!


Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram to stay up to date with all the latest Cold Banana news as we have even bigger and brighter things planned for 2020 - we can’t wait to share them with you!