Bournemouth Business Awards

Bournemouth Business Awards

Last Thursday marked an exciting celebration for the whole of the Cold Banana team, as Luke, Sophie and Ollie made their way to Key West on Bournemouth Pier, the venue for the annual Bournemouth Business Awards. The team eagerly awaited the results of the awards.

Our Shortlistings

The first award Cold Banana was shortlisted for was, ‘The Bournemouth University Business Innovation Award’ recognising the pivotal role our innovative spirit plays in propelling our work forward. The second was ‘Young Entrepreneur’ for our Managing Director Ollie Storey for his seamless transition into a leadership role that inspires and drives the team. The tension mounted as the team eagerly awaited the results of the two awards we were shortlisted for.


We are proud to share that not only did we win both of our shortlisted awards, we also walked away with an unexpected third win. The collective decision of the judges decided that Cold Banana was the deserving recipient of the ‘Overall Business of the Year’ award.


We are extremely proud of all our staff here at Cold Banana and we know we couldn’t achieve what we have without them. Our heartfelt congratulations extend to all the other winners. We're so grateful for the camaraderie of a business community full of companies who push the boundaries time and time again. A special mention must be made for Nigel, the host of the afternoon, whose charisma added an extra layer of magic to the event. 

Moving Forward

The recognition we've received by winning these awards will continue to motivate us. We're ready to write the next chapter of Cold Banana’s remarkable journey, fueled by the spirit of innovation, teamwork, and a pursuit of excellence.

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